I love writing books. Not to make a fortune just to help me resolve thoughts in my head.
Try it, it's great for mental wealth. All three of these were self published.
God Knows

Hi, I’m Leon. I’m getting on a bit. Make that a lot. Thanks.
I've had a successful career first as a Management Consultant, modern day highwayman then, that is not what my clients said. Not to your face no. Why do I listen to you. You have no choice.
I am now a successful journalist. Says who? Says the awards I have won. Where are they now? In the toilet. So you are flushed with success? Did you just say that? Yes. So, you are really proud of them. One does not like to boast. Clearly.
Financially I am sorted but emotionally, apparently I am not. Nice to see you are finally listening to feedback.
This has not bothered me until now. What despite the failed marriage, various uncomfortable moments throughout your life and a relationship with your daughter which makes the ice age seem warm. Harsh. I’d prefer to say fair.
However I am now bothered. At last something has penetrated your rhino hide. Maybe it’s a tranquilliser dart filled with happiness or Eros’s arrow of love. Whatever.
I have been sent to interview some lunatic who is claiming to be god. God knows who this character is. Potentially some magician trying to sell tickets and dupe the paper in the process. Yet he knows too much about me. He is making me face my emotional reality which is deeply uncomfortable. As a spectator it is deeply satisfying to watch. They say let your conscience be your guide. In this case I think I will pass. Suit yourself.
This god has strong views on how the world was created, the soul and the body, heaven and hell and many more views. I feel it is my duty to explore his comments. Get to the truth.
In doing so I find myself emotionally challenged. You can say that again.
In doing so I find myself emotionally challenged. Why do you have to be so literal? It annoys you and in so doing provides me with immense pleasure. You are sick.
After encountering this god impersonator for the first time emotional and intellectual challenges come thick and fast. Emotionally my daughter phones me to give me her news. I start dating for the first time in years and intellectually my boss decides the god views need an airing weekly in the Sunday supplement. How are you going to cope? Bury your head in the sand again?
No, I’m going to face the music. Boy are we in for a bumpy ride. See you on the other side.
Praying Mantis

We all want to leave our mark on the world. Sometimes we get too obsessed by our desire to achieve this.
When an author (who is white, middle class and really irritating) why thanks for that compliment, comes together with a young, pain in the butt, lead character (touché) all hell breaks loose.
This is the story of a character in a book (don’t I have a name?) focus, who is trying a novel approach to getting on in life. She needs to overcome multiple, significant challenges including sexism, racism and glass ceilings to get to the top. (The author is another major challenge. Yes, he might have created me but I have some input of my own thank you very much.)
Some characters may have been killed in the writing of this novel. (Some readers might have laughed as well … unlikely) Really? I’ll ignore that.
Through humour it is easier to explore those areas in life which seem hardest to fathom including what makes us who we are and, when I think about it, the behaviour of the lead character. (Oh harsh!)
Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire

Henry is a liar or so the voices in his head are trying to tell him. Throughout his life, Henry and death have been close companions. Deaths of family and friends have confused him about what is the truth and what is a lie. The voices in his head don't really help.
This is about a man with mental illness who is not sure whether his dreams are real and whether the voices in his head are conversational or directional.
Self Published
Gregg has come to the conclusion that his life is at an end. Through the use of songs in his life he tries to piece together what went wrong and whether he should jump or not?
This is about a man who has lost everything but is trying to find that reason to live.
Published by the Daily Mail - Who knew.